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Bertrand de La Chapelle to present e-Evidence Regulation at SIRIUS Conference
I&JPN releases graphical visualization of EU e-evidence regulation
I&JPN comments on: ICANN Amendments to the Base gTLD RA and RAA to Modify DNS Abuse Contract Obligations.
Analysis: EU’s Recently Adopted E-Evidence Regulation
I&J Status Reports
I&J Status Reports survey key stakeholders to track global and regional trends, actors and solutions. They help foster policy coherence and legal interoperability in cyberspace.

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Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
Fostering Legal Interoperability in Cyberspace
The Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network is the multistakeholder organization fostering legal interoperability in cyberspace. Its stakeholders work together to preserve the cross-border nature of the Internet, protect human rights, fight abuses, and enable the global digital economy. Since 2012, the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network has engaged more than 400 key entities from six stakeholder groups around the world.