Taking Stock of Jurisdictional Trends in 2012


Published on
March 21, 2013

Taking Stock of Trends in 2012

Based on monitoring conducted throughout 2012, Internet & Jurisdiction's Paul Fehlinger identified twelve key trends that feature in the debate about Internet and jurisdiction. This article was featured in several publications during March and April 2013, including Media Laws, Internet Policy Review, and CircleID.

As illustrated by national ISP blockings of torrent libraries, graduated response schemes and proposals for multilateral cooperation treaties, copyright has become a major pacesetter for the enforcement of national jurisdiction over the Internet.

Different conceptions of online privacy clash as states and sub-national authorities increasingly try to enforce their laws on cross-border platforms.

Enforcing territorial sovereignty can carve up the Internet. Due process for takedowns, seizures or Local Education Agencies (LEA) access to private data emerges as a major concern for all stakeholders, but viable interoperability frameworks to manage the internet commons do not yet exist.