I&J Executive Director quoted in Le Monde article on Facebook’s independent content oversight body

Published on
July 2, 2019

On June 28, 2019, Le Monde published an article on the Facebook’s proposed creation of an independent content oversight body with quotes from I&J’s Executive Director Mr. Bertrand de La Chapelle.

Mr. de La Chapelle highlighted that the creation of such a board would result in the emergence of an international jurisprudence and pointed that “Certains pensent qu’il est anormal que des entreprises s’arrogent des fonctions des Etats. Je pense qu’en raison de leur taille globale et de la pression des gouvernements, elles sont confrontées à l’édiction de règles dans des proportions qu’elles n’auraient pas imaginées », juge M. de la Chapelle, pour qui « le défi à venir est l’interopérabilité entre un nombre croissant de différentes sources de droit ».” (translation: Some people think that it is abnormal for companies to assume to themselves the functions of states. I think that because of their global size and the pressure of governments, they are confronted with the enactment of rules in proportions they would not have imagined, " said Mr. de la Chapelle, for whom " the next challenge is interoperability between a growing number of different sources of law.”

Read the full article here.