Apr 2017
I&J Invited to European Parliament LIBE Committee Hearing
I&J contributed
March 27, 2017
Tackling abuses on the cross-border internet
Internet & Jurisdiction was invited to speak at a hearing concerning cybersecurity at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on April 24, 2017. Focusing on "Abuse of the Internet for Criminal Purposes by Organized Crime," the hearing was organized by the LIBE Committee, the committee of the European Parliament dealing with Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and addressed European Parliament Members party to the committee.
Tackling issues from fraud to radicalization and cyber attacks on critical infrastructures, the hearing was intended to better inform European policy makers about the complexities associated with detecting and thwarting abuses of the internet. Internet & Jurisdiction's Executive Director, Bertrand de La Chapelle, joined representatives from the European Commission and EUROPOL, speaking about cross-border jurisdictional challenges and the pressing need for legal interoperability in the fight against cybercrime.

Tackling abuses on the cross-border internet
Internet & Jurisdiction was invited to speak at a hearing concerning cybersecurity at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on April 24, 2017. Focusing on "Abuse of the Internet for Criminal Purposes by Organized Crime," the hearing was organized by the LIBE Committee, the committee of the European Parliament dealing with Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and addressed European Parliament Members party to the committee.
Tackling issues from fraud to radicalization and cyber attacks on critical infrastructures, the hearing was intended to better inform European policy makers about the complexities associated with detecting and thwarting abuses of the internet. Internet & Jurisdiction's Executive Director, Bertrand de La Chapelle, joined representatives from the European Commission and EUROPOL, speaking about cross-border jurisdictional challenges and the pressing need for legal interoperability in the fight against cybercrime.