I&J contributed

Published on
February 13, 2017

Balancing Freedom of Expression and Rule of Law Standards

On April 28, 2017, the Conference on Freedom of Expression Online will bring together representatives from the judiciary and Council of Europe Member States to address the challenges faced by courts when applying freedom of expression and rule of law standards online. The event has been organized by the Council of Europe and the Supreme Court of Cyprus in preparation for the Cypriot Chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.

I&J's Executive Director, Bertrand de La Chapelle, will join a panel of judges from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), and national courts to address three main topics:

  • The status of freedom of expression online in light of case law from Strasbourg and standard-setting activities;
  • The roles and responsibilities of internet intermediaries; and
  • Contemporary challenges to freedom of expression online in Europe and beyond.

Mr. de La Chapelle will underscore the jurisdictional aspects of these challenges as they relate to the work of the Internet & Jurisdiction policy network. As a member of the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Internet Intermediaries, particular attention will be paid to intermediary responsibilities in this regard.

Internet & Jurisdiction's Work with Freedom of Expression

Internet & Jurisdiction has long engaged with the topics of freedom of expression and rule of law online through the work of its Content & Jurisdiction program. Notably, I&J convened the two-day workshop Transnational Due Process and Freedom of Expression in 2015, which gathered current and former Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression from the UN, AICHR, IACHR, and OSCE, as well as UNESCO.

Relevant Cases to Support Evidence-based Dialogue

Dozens of cases of jurisdictional tensions involving the judiciary,  freedom of expression, and intermediary liability can be accessed using the filtering functions of the I&Js Retrospect database:

ACTOR: Internet Platforms, Courts
MODE: Judicial
ISSUE: Freedom of Expression, Intermediary Liability

Explore the results from these parameters here.